Lehigh Carbon Community College

Discover the captivating journey of brand enhancement and digital transformation at Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC). As a creative developer, I had the tremendous opportunity to collaborate with LCCC back in 2016 on a series of exciting projects that invigorated their visual identity and digital presence.

Web Design Tasks:
I had the privilege of contributing to various web design tasks on the LCCC website, enriching the digital platform with user-centric enhancements. The result was a seamless digital journey for students, faculty, and prospective visitors alike.

Snapchat Filters:
This was a first time experience creating Snapchat filters and working with the platform as more than just a consumer.

Athletics Poster:
Celebrating the prowess of LCCC's sports teams, there was a request to create a poster that can represent all of the LCCC athletic teams. The poster captures the determination and skill of the LCCC Cougars!

What's left of random photos I captured at the campus. (2016)